Gas Line Repair

Gas Line Repair

If you’re a homeowner, there’s a good chance you’ve had to deal with a gas line repair at some point. Gas lines are an essential part of your home’s infrastructure, and they need to be properly maintained in order to function correctly. Although gas line repairs can be tricky, they’re nothing that professional plumbers can’t handle.

A broken or leaking gas line can be extremely dangerous. Gas is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, but it’s also highly flammable. That’s why it’s so important to take action if you suspect a problem with your residential or commercial. Fortunately, most gas leaks can be repaired fairly easily by trained professionals. In this article, we’ll explain what gas line repair entails and how our team at Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services can help keep your property safe.

Having problems with your gas line?

Blackmon, Inc. is a professional plumbing service that can help you with all of your gas line repair needs. We have been in business for over 20 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. You don’t want to mess around with gas line emergencies – they can be extremely dangerous.

We understand that when something goes wrong with your plumbing, it can be a major inconvenience. That’s why we work hard to provide fast, reliable service so you can get back to your life as soon as possible. We are reliable and you can always count on us when you need us the most.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

Overview of Gas line

A gas line is a network of pipes that connects your home or business to the main gas line. These pipes transport natural gas, which is used for heating and cooking in many homes. Gas lines are usually buried underground and must be properly maintained so they don’t become damaged.

Its main purpose and use are for:

Gas lines are used to fuel gas appliances such as stoves, furnaces, water heaters, and fireplaces.

They also provide a reliable source of energy for businesses that use gas equipment.

Gas lines are necessary for the safe operation of any gas appliance in your home or business.

Gas systems are vital for the safe and efficient operation of your home or business. Most of the appliances use natural gas being delivered thru a gas line underground including:

Water heaters




Heating systems

These appliances are important to the function of your home or business and require regular maintenance in order to keep them operating safely. A gas line repair is usually necessary if there is a break, leak, or another issue with the system. Make sure to contact an experienced plumber to handle any gas line repairs as they are dangerous and require special training.

Signs of gas leaks

Gas line leak is very dangerous and difficult to detect as it is odorless and colorless. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the following signs that indicate a gas leak.

Hissing or whistling sounds coming from the pipes.

Dirt blowing up from the ground around gas lines.

Flames shooting out of gas appliances or pipes.

A sudden increase in your utility bill.

Stale smell (smell gas) coming from the appliances or around them.

Visible damage to the gas line.

If you observe any of these signs, shut off your gas line and contact a professional plumber immediately. Do not attempt to repair a leak yourself – it can be extremely dangerous and result in the following:

Fire and explosion.

Carbon monoxide poisoning.

Property damage.

Health hazards.

Having problems with your gas line can be a nerve-wracking experience, but you don’t have to worry when you call Blackmon, Inc. We have the experience and expertise necessary to handle any gas line repairs.

Safety measures for a leaky gas line

Gas leaks can be dangerous and should be taken seriously. That’s why it is important to take the necessary safety measures when dealing with a leaky gas line.

Shut off your gas supply

The first step you should take when you suspect a gas leak is to shut off your gas supply immediately. This will help reduce the risk of an explosion or fire

Open windows and doors

Once you have shut off the gas, open all of your windows and doors to help ventilate the area. This will also help reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Contact a professional plumber

Do not attempt to repair a gas leak yourself. Contact an experienced, licensed plumber to handle any gas line repairs. They will have the knowledge and expertise to safely and effectively repair your gas lines.

These are some of the safety steps you should take when dealing with a leaky gas line. You may also leave your house for a while to ensure your safety. If you need help, Blackmon Inc is here to provide fast and reliable gas line repairs.

How Do You Repair A Leaking Gas Line?

While it’s best to let professionals handle the work, it is still helpful to know how to do your own basic repairs of a leaking gas line. To prevent further damage, you need to take action immediately especially if you suspect a gas leak from your natural gas lines. While waiting for the professional plumbers to arrive, you may do the following to keep yourself protected:

Switch off the gas

First things first, while working on a broken gas line make sure to shut off the gas supply by going to your main gas meter and switching it off or shut off valve. Remember, a tiny spark can catch up the fire. Inhaling the fumes is also dangerous. So, turning off the gas supply is the most important thing when you’re working on a gas line.

Find the leak

This step is best performed by a professional plumbing company but, if you can’t wait, you can try to find the leak yourself. If there’s a crack or damage in the line, investigate where it came from and how much it has spread. You should also check if nearby pipes are affected as well. Remember to wear a mask and gloves to protect yourself from fumes and debris.

Get rid of extra gas

Remove the excess gas from the line before attempting a repair. This can be done with a plunger or by using air pressure. If you’re not sure how to do this, it’s best to leave it up to the professionals.

Clean the area

Clean the area around the leak and remove any debris or dirt. This will make it easier to work with the pipe later on.

Seal the leaks

Once you have cleaned the area, you can begin to seal the leaks. There are various sealing methods available depending on the type of pipe used but in general, most will require a special tape or putty to be applied to the area.

Test the lines

Once you have repaired the line, it is important to test the lines for any further leaks. This can be done with a pressure gauge or by using air to pressurize the pipe. If there are no more leaks, then your repair has been successful.

Replace the covers


Finally, make sure to replace any panels or covers that you may have removed when trying to access the gas line. This will help protect it from further damage.

These are general steps for performing your own basic gas line repair. However, if you are uncertain or inexperienced with this type of work, it is always best to contact a professional plumbing company. They will have the knowledge and experience necessary to make sure the job is done right.

Gas Line Repair Mistakes

There are some common mistakes to avoid when attempting a gas line repair. Here are some of the most important ones:

Lighting a match to find the source of the leak

Lighting a match can cause an explosion if the gas has accumulated in an enclosed area. This is why it’s important to use other means to detect a gas leak such as a soapy water solution or a professional sensing device.


Smoking near a natural gas line can cause sparks and potentially be very dangerous. Make sure to avoid smoking when working with natural gas lines.

Turning switches on and off

A gas system is a closed loop, meaning that if you turn a switch on or off it can create an imbalance in the gas pressure. This can be dangerous and should always be avoided

Trying to repair the leak yourself

Attempting to repair natural gas leaks or gas line issues without the proper knowledge and experience can be very dangerous.

Waiting in the house while help arrives

If you think you have a natural gas line immediately evacuate the building until help arrives. This will ensure that everyone’s safety is maintained while waiting for a professional plumber to arrive and fix the problem.

Remember, safety should always come first when attempting any kind of gas line repair. If you don’t have the knowledge and experience to perform such a job, it is best to contact a professional. They will have the tools and expertise necessary to make sure the repair is done right.

Home Gas Line Repair Costs

The cost of a home gas line repair can vary depending on the type and extent of the damage. Generally, the cost will be based on how long it takes to reach the source of the leak and fix it. Additional costs may include parts and materials as well as any new pipes that need to be installed.

Here's an overview of the costs according to:

By Problem

Depending on the problem that needs to be fixed, repair costs can range from as low as $50 to upwards of $500.

By Location

The location of the leak or damage is also a factor that can affect the overall cost. Gas line repairs in more difficult-to-access areas may require additional costs for special tools and materials

By Professional Labor

The labor required to fix a gas line issue can also have an impact on the overall cost of the repair.

By Gas Pipe Material

The type of material used for the gas pipe will also affect the cost of repairs. Copper, galvanized steel, and PVC are among the most common materials used for gas lines and each one has its own price range.

When to call the experts?

Gas line installations and repairs are dangerous to work on. It is best to leave any kind of gas line repair job to professionals. They will have the necessary skills, tools, and experience to ensure that the job is done safely and correctly.

Remember to call the professional when:

You suspect a gas leak.

You’re dealing with a new installation or repairs for an existing line.

You need to install a shutoff valve.

You want to make sure the job is done correctly.

Any kind of gas line repair should be left to professionals. It is also important to remember that some jobs may require a permit or professional inspection before being completed. These permits can help ensure that the installation or repair is done according to local codes and regulations.

Call the experts, Call Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services!

If you need a gas line repair or installation, call the experts at Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services. We have years of experience in safely and properly repairing and installing gas lines for commercial and residential properties. Our team is highly trained and will ensure that your job is done correctly the first time.

With Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services, you will never have to worry about:

Unqualified personnel.

Inferior materials or workmanship.

Unsafe practices or installations.

Delays in job completion.

Instead, you will get:

Licensed and experienced technicians.

High-quality materials and workmanship.

Professional advice on the best solutions for your needs.

Prompt completion of your gas line repair or installation job.

We are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and safety. Contact us today to get started on your gas line repair or installation project and to get an estimate. We look forward to helping you keep your home and family safe!

Final Thoughts

Gas lines are important components of residential and commercial buildings, so it’s important to keep them in good condition. If you think you may have a gas line leak, it’s important to call a professional like Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services right away. Not only is a gas line repair dangerous, but it’s also expensive. A trained technician from Blackmon, Inc. will be able to quickly and safely fix the problem so that you can get back to your normal routine. Don’t delay, call us today!

We look forward to serving you!

Schedule a consultation today if you need assistance with camera inspection! At Blackmon, Inc. Plumbing Services, we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and satisfaction. Contact us today to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions About Gas Line Repair

  • Is replacing a gas line hard?

    Replacing a gas line can be a difficult job. It requires knowledge and expertise in order to do it correctly and safely. It is best to call a professional for help if you are not sure how to handle the repair or gas line installation.

  • How Much Does It Cost to Run or Fix a Gas Line?

    The cost of a gas line repair depends on the type and extent of the damage. Generally, the cost will be based on how long it takes to reach the source of the leak and fix it. Additional costs may include parts and materials as well as any new pipes that need to be installed.

  • How Much Do Gas Pipes Cost By Type?

    The cost of gas pipes varies depending on the material used. Copper, galvanized steel, and PVC are among the most common materials used for gas lines and each one has its own price range. Contact a professional for an accurate estimate of the cost

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